A little about us.

Working with breadth and depth.

Mostly Provenance is ‘I’, but I also work a lot with other trusted partners and co-creators. Whether it’s working with strategic writers, brand strategists, illustrators, photographers... the only criteria I use in engaging others is that they do something way better than I can – and then it’s ‘We’. I'll always make this transparent by the way.

I’ve had a broad and deep experience of the creative industry. I’ve worked across advertising, direct marketing, brand design, brand strategy, experience design and digital UI design sectors.

I have art directed TVCs, directed A-Listers in photography shoots, designed and produced beautiful books, illustrated some of my own work, directed animation and short films, created comprehensive brand signage programmes, shot from helicopters, been on an international conference in a despot’s enclave.

I’ve sat with a perplexed CEO as he discussed his wife’s feedback to his new brand, helped start-ups at seminal moments of ‘It’s too hard!’, grown junior talent from graduates to senior industry people, sat in heated boardroom discussions, presented to audiences in their hundreds, tutored university students, and mentored starry-eyed wannabes.

I’ve worked on formulaic international brand advertising, presented in lint-smelling rugby changing rooms, judged industry awards, sampled hundreds of client’s products, rescued a colleague from a pub brawl, driven my boss’s car way too fast, and even got caught on a speed camera while developing a speed camera campaign.

And behind all this has been a very patient partner, wonderful kids and now a beautiful moko who looks to be heading in her ʻZappa’s’ footsteps.

We help develop creative strategy.

Start with the right roadmap.

Before you set out on a journey, it’s probably wise to know where you’re headed, and understand the potential roadblocks you may find along the way.

A sound creative strategy starts with understanding your organisation’s ambition, the ecosystem of your product or service offering, core propositions and how all that might meet the needs of your customers.

Together with your team, we work through your organisation’s priorities. By aligning your values and beliefs with the experiential principles that define your brand, we craft a highly tailored creative strategy that brings your vision to life.

We use ideas to create deeper audience connection.

Creativity powers new kinds of conversations.

Ideas are like powerful bridges, bringing people together on different sides of opinion. They help people connect emotionally with rational thinking. We use storytelling to build understanding and inspire action.

You have a unique voice, and by understanding some of what makes you tick, we can then work out how you speak and express yourself.

Ideas are the fuel that drives our process. We constantly look for innovative ways to communicate. We explore every avenue, looking under rocks, gazing at clouds.

We use unexpected combinations of words and images to spark new ways of expressing the seemingly mundane, challenging ideas or to expose needs where they might have been before.

Ultimately it is about creating consideration, changing minds and driving action.

We develop brands that get an evangelical following.

Great stories are built on defensible truths.

Start from the essence of what makes your organisation special and work outwards.

Your core promise needs to be customer focused and benefit-led. It needs to have a clear and differentiated expression and remain memorable from when it was first seen or spoken.

We build breakthrough brands grounded in clear ideas and supported by cohesive visual systems. We bring inspiration, clarity, and relevance, all focused on helping what you do to become important and relevant in the eyes of your customer.

We create powerful visuals.

Images that haul you in.

Eighty percent of what we perceive or take notice of is driven by our sight. And so, we make sure that what we end up creating turns heads.

Whether it’s visual storytelling showcasing real people living out their lives, or evocative illustrations that help to make complex themes simpler to understand.

There is an immediacy in powerful imagery that rewards people for their time and attention; and drives deeper engagement.

We write resonant copy.

Break through the noise.

In today’s world, consumers are bombarded with messages from a myriad of channels.

Great copywriting grabs attention, stands out from the clutter, and makes the experience of reading rewarding.

Effective copywriting speaks directly, uses language and references that resonate with readers and is perfect for time and place.

Whether it’s a spicy call to action, or a rollicking long form read, we make sure it was worth being written.

We create logical content architecture.

Stay recognised wherever you’re seen.

Whatever experience we design, we ensure it is seamless across all environments – whether digital, print, or physical.

It's like building in a kind of character recognition. There should be enough clues the same voice is being used, and shows up in the same way visually.

This is what we call a ‘Brand Signature’.

We use an authentic approach for Te Ao Māori storytelling.

Stories with a Māori heart.

Whakawhanaungatanga is central to the way we work. There is no heart or soul in the work if you’re not working well together.

We bring people together with respect, ensuring everyone has clear goals. We co-design making sure everyone's voice is valid, and Tikanga practices are followed throughout.

We help you develop strategies with a strong Māori foundation. We weave together vision, values, and ideas with culturally rich themes, creating a beautiful and meaningful whole.

We work alongside you in partnership.

Everyone has a role on the team.

We work alongside you at every point of the project. We navigate complexity, anticipate needs, and proactively resolve challenges.

Collaboration is key, so we work closely with you, our subject-matter experts, to make sure everything is working for you.

We believe building positive relationships is the key to our shared success.

We’ve got the tick to work for government agencies.

Approved AoG Creative & Media Services provider.

Provenance has been approved as an All-of-Government Creative and Marketing Services provider in the Content Production, Creative Services, Media Strategy, Cultural Competency and Social Media Services categories.

To see what subcategories we have been selected to work across, please review our entries on the panel providers portal.