I believe in a few simple things: The significance of the act of creating, the need to keep growing, the importance of working well with others, and the ability to know your place.
For a better future we all need to stop consuming and start creating. There is nothing like putting something vital into the world. I start with a healthy dose of imagination, add curiosity and pepper it with wild ambition.
I believe in staying evergreen – continually renewing oneself and staying fresh. If you’re not doing something new in your day you may as well have stayed in yesterday. Bob Dylan put it perfectly: “He not busy being born is busy dying.”
I reckon to leave a meaningful mark on the world you need to take people with you. It is the only way you learn, the only way to see need; and respond to it. Along the way, I’ve been fortunate to work with many inspirational and talented people who have helped me grow and see things from a different perspective.
I like to think my time here is well spent; knowing I can in some small way make the world a little better than I found it. However, I recognise the ephemeral nature of what I do and that the ability to laugh at myself is perhaps the best way of not getting too far ahead of myself.
This website included.